Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Kat Graham looking hot running in the rain

Vampire Diaries actress and singer Kat Graham runs in the rain in Georgia today. Just wow! Wish I looked like that when I ran instead of huffing and puffing trying to breathe. She looks amazing! Her sports bra and shoes are Nike. This should be used in a commercial for Nike! :) Soaking wet workout: Kat Graham got pelted by the rain during a run in stormy Atlanta, Georgia on WednesdayPlugged in: The Vampire Diaries star's single Power just became available on iTunes and she wasn't about to let the wet weather get her down as she listened to her iPadWild thing: The 23-year-old looked amazing in her midriff-baring crop top and clingy athletic shortsDrenched hair: Kat got so drenched that she squeezed water out of her sleek and long ponytail

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